
Medicare D Annual Notice – Deadline October 14, 2022

By Kelly Holland

August 24, 2022

Employers who sponsor group health plans that offer prescription drug coverage to Medicare-eligible individuals are reminded that they must provide the Medicare Part D Notice to those individuals by October 14.

These notices serve to inform Medicare-eligible individuals whether the prescription drug coverage offered is “creditable,” meaning it is expected to pay, on average, as much as the standard Medicare prescription drug coverage.

Medicare Part D Credible Model Notice can be found here.

In addition to delivering the notice, CMS requires you to complete an online form advising that the Rx coverage for your company is credible. You can find this form here. Please transmit the report prior to November 24th.

Please reach out to your CIP Account Manager if you need help with the model notice or online form.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • I don’t have any Medicare aged employees, do I still have to complete this notice? Yes.  Regardless of your employees ages, CMS requires that you provide this notices to all employees, annually prior to the Medicare D annual open enrollment.  Employee(s) may have a spouse or dependent that is disabled and eligible for Medicare, which you may not know about.  Providing this notice to all employees is a compliance requirement for all employers that offer group health plans.


  • Can CIP send the notices out on our behalf? Yes, if you have a benefit portal. If you have a CIP administered benefit portal, including Employee Navigator, ADP WorkforceNow, or iSolve, we can make these notices available to your employees online for distribution and acknowledgement.  Please reach out to, or your account manager for assistance prior to September 1, 2022 to ensure that all notices can be delivered in applicable time.

For more information on this notice requirement, including links to downloadable model notices, click here.